Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hanging in There...

I had a friend comment yesterday that she keeps checking in here... with no new post to read... so here you are... ;-)

I am totally not following the couch to 5K plan... BUT, I am hanging in there. The issue it health... not running a 5k, right? Well, that is what I am telling myself at this point.

I am trying to get on the treadmill a couple of times a week... and I am running longer than I could before... which is not saying so much, honestly. BUT... forward movement is better than no movement.


LizzyG said...

Good for you Michelle! It really is hard to make exercise a part of your daily routine...I know!!! I took a month off from running, and now it is SOOO hard to get back into it, especially when my life feels so busy. Yours and Kristie's blog inspired me to do a fitness blog also:

Keep at it! And I hope to see you in Eugene on May 4th!

LizzyG said...

Hey! I just saw your comment on my running blog. You steal all the motivation from me that you want!!! It helps to know there's others out there trying to do this too. I love gaining inspiration from reading about others' successes.

Kristie said...

Yes for sure it's more about the health than the race!!:) Glad you are still at it!